Published in Splotlights

Seamless Google Shared Calendar and Slack Integration


By Anthony

  • Shared calendars are really useful in any workplace, helping everyone stay on the same page. Whether it's for keeping track of when people are out of the office, important product launches, or marketing events, these calendars make sure no one misses out on important dates.
    Integrating these calendars into a team's communication tool like Slack makes it even easier. This way, everyone can see updates right where they chat and work every day, helping the whole team stay informed and work better together.
    It's a simple but effective way to help everyone know what’s going on and plan their work accordingly.

    One practical solution for teams or companies using Google Workspace and Slack was the Google Calendar for Team Events for Slack app.
    Unfortunately, Google has announced that they will retire this app by September 10, 2024, and they haven't provided any direct replacements.
    While Slack does support integration with Google Calendar app, it's primarily designed for personal use, not for viewing shared team events.
    Right now, there aren’t any other ready-made alternatives on the market.
    Teams are left with a couple of options: either develop and maintain their own custom code to bridge the gap, which can be quite a task, or try to use third-party services like Zapier or Pabbly for integration.
    However, these options often involve complex setups due to the intricate nature of handling date and time data, which can be a challenging hurdle for many.

    Try calhub now

    We understand these challenges, and that's why Calhub is such a helpful tool for teams facing these integration issues. Calhub provides seamless integration between Google's shared calendars and Slack. Signing up is easy, and in just a few clicks, you can connect your calendar data and start sending notifications directly to your Slack channels. This simplicity ensures that your team stays synchronized without the hassle of complicated setups or custom coding. With Calhub, keeping everyone informed and on schedule becomes straightforward and stress-free.

    Just 3 clicks away from integrating Google Shared Calendar with Slack!

    Calhub takes the integration of Google Shared Calendar and Slack to the next level with several significant enhancements that make it even more user-friendly.
    One key improvement is how it presents essential data. Calhub offers a clean and clear overview, allowing users to see all the important information at a glance.

    Additionally, Calhub is designed to be mindful about notifications. It smartly reduces distractions by sending updates just once and avoids any repetitive or unnecessary alerts that could disrupt work.

    Feeling skeptical because it sounds too good to be true? Give Calhub a try and see for yourself how easy it is. You're just three clicks away from seamlessly sending Google Shared Calendar notifications to your Slack channels.

    Try Calhub now, no credit card required


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